You may be here as a parent or other caregiver who has some concerns relating to your child’s development and you’d like to find out more and discuss further; you may be an educator with concerns about a child’s presenting behaviours in class, its effect on progress, or you may be a young person seeking out some additional support and reassurance.
We hope to give you a good idea as to what children are telling you through their behaviour, social skills, gross and fine motor skills and the impact issues in these areas can have on academic performance and day to day life at home.
We will also inform you as to who we are, what we do, how we can help and why it’s probably a good idea to get in touch with us to discuss your concerns.

Maximum Potential is a globally established paediatric therapy service, providing excellence and expertise in traditional paediatric clinical therapy and school-based therapy, with a specialist focus on Sensory Integration and Neurodevelopmental treatment.
Maximum Potential provides expert and highly specialised Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Speech and Language Therapy practice, and Psychology services. In addition, we provide advice and guidance through our Learning Specialists (for appropriate school placements and/or support).
Mission statement: to understand, correctly identify and provide expert assessment for any child or young person, regardless of background, who may be experiencing issues with day to day functioning which may be mild or maybe more complex and provide them with relevant and significant therapy intervention and support.
Founded over 30 years ago by Melanne Maddalene Randall, Maximum Potential now has 5 established, transdisciplinary clinics in London, treating over 500 children and young people each week in bespoke well-resourced clinic rooms. Maximum Potential also has several school-based satellite clinics spread throughout London.
Internationally, we have satellite clinics based in schools in Europe, Russia, the UAE, Africa and the USA.
Management Team
Is a specialist in Paediatric Neurology and a registered Occupational Therapist, specialising in the treatment of sensory integrative and neurodevelopmental disorders.
Melanne has developed a variety of clinical practices in both the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Russia, UAE and Africa, focusing on the treatment of premature infants; babies and toddlers in early interventions; and children in both public and private school programs.
Melanne has had an active paediatric private practice specializing in Sensory Integration Therapy for the last 30 years with an emphasis on delivering effective intervention by highly specialised practitioners using large scale vestibular and proprioceptive apparatus.
A leading authority in Sensory Integration Therapy, Melanne spends a significant amount of time consulting to clinical and educational programs in the UK and internationally where she conducts Sensory Integration workshops for parents, educators, and therapists.
Melanne also devotes a significant amount of time to pro-bono work in the mature and in developing countries of the world.
With such considerable experience, Melanne is able to provide key and significant oversight to the clinical excellence of our talented team which in turn has benefitted thousands of children and young people.